Saturday, September 3, 2011


Thank you for stopping by. This site has been in the works for a long time and I'm finally glad its here!
The X-Stylez was created because there is a need for more ALL MALE fashion blogs dedicated to our fashion needs. My vision for this blog is to give men different style tips and guidelines to enhance their wardrobe. The X-Stylez is a collection of articles that any man can pull up at his leisure as a check point to get inspiration on fashion ideas for his wardrobe.

As a wardrobe stylist, I see the want for men to be as fashionable as our female counterparts. When personal shopping for clients, I learn about the obstacles that many who aren’t up on fashion face: the struggles of a good quality fit based on your body type, slim vs. regular fit jeans, the right color combinations, finding your own personal style, trendy vs.classic and more. All of these things will be covered on this site.

Hopefully by visiting this site I will inspire you to take your wardrobe to another level by trying new things. If I have one faithful viewer and am able to help one hopeful, I’ve done my job! 

Read with me, grow with me, connect with me


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